Tuesday, June 18, 2013


We are so very dependent on weather

We’ve had to cancel a few rides so far this season. I feel sadness, and disappointment when that happens; I so love to ride my bike, I love to ride with the Bettys, and somehow I feel responsible for the weather, which is crazy, and then guilty when the sun comes out after we have called it! Both are irrational feelings; I am not responsible for the weather, dah!, but I am responsible for doing my part in maintenance of our trails and so to ride in the mucky clay of our Don is so irresponsible. Getting caught out in light rain in the summer in the woods can be a lot of fun, and mountain biking is about splashing a little in the mud (check out our jerseys!) but thunder and lightning are clearly unsafe to play in and the trails do take a beating when sodden.There are some great spots to ride in southern Ontario on a rainy day that do not suffer at all when ridden, but our urban hillside trails aren’t one of them!

This season the city has a weekly trail maintenance program in conjunction with http://www.sustainabletrails.com , amongst others, check it out, we can still help out!

Natural Environment Trails Program <trails@toronto.ca>
We have a new initiative, the Crothers Woods Trails Stewardship Team. The team will meet weekly on Mondays from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM, from May 6th until September.

WHEN: Mondays 6:00PM - 8:00PM
May 6th-September
WHERE: Crothers Woods
Meet at Loblaws Trailhead (Millwood Rd. and Redway Rd.)

The new Crothers Trails Stewardship Team will be an extension of the City's existing Community Stewardship Program <http://www.toronto.ca/greentoronto/> which involves volunteers in on-going maintenance and monitoring activities at naturalization sites throughout the City. The goal of this program is to improve the long-term sustainability of natural environment areas in the City. Participants on the Crothers Trails Stewardship Team will also be working to ensure the sustainability of natural surface trails throughout Crothers Woods.

The Crothers Trails Stewardship Team will be guided by City of Toronto staff, professional trail builders and/or experienced volunteers (team leaders). Aside from regular meetings, team members can also attend many special events, plantings workshops and training opportunities.

As a part of the Community Stewardship Program, activities may include weeding invasive non-native plant species, collecting litter, and monitoring specific site conditions. In addition, the Trails team's activities will include improving trail drainage, closing or narrowing trails, and acting as trail ambassadors. Monitoring activities may include mapping vegetation, regular inspection and monitoring of the trail, and flagging trail issues for staff follow-up.

We missed some of the early events due to Betty events but we can just show up on a Monday evening and register to help…who wants to come next Monday, I’ll be going!

Ride On!
Author: Wild Bettys
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